Published 9:00 am Sunday, December 7, 2014
United Methodist Women
The United Methodist Women met Nov. 5. Pianist Merle Stensrud began the meeting with a piano selection. Members of Martha Circle, JoAnn Seuser and Judy Hargrave presented the program on “World Thank Offering.” The group shared times of thankfulness, after which a special offering was taken.
President Jerry Horswell thanked Just Three Circle for serving and Martha Circle for the program.
Circle reports and minutes of the October meeting were given by secretary Seuser and the treasurer’s report by Ruth Vermedahl. The Christmas gift for the Emma Norton Home will be $200 from the L&G dollars.
Spiritual growth chairwoman Adean Turner read scripture from the Bible telling of various talents and several readings about Thanksgiving.
Fern Urbatsch of the education and interpretation area reported on an article in the New World Outlook Magazine about the goals of the general board of global ministries.
Hargrave reported that 149 women and 83 children were provided with shelter this year. Hargrave also shared about two new books in the library, namely “Sum It Up,” by Pat Summie and “Help, Thanks, Wow!” by Anne Lamont.
The slate of officers for the coming year was read by Hargrave, with two offices needing to be filled.
Circle president should send the list of officers, their addresses and their telephone numbers, including cell phones, to Tracy Vandegrift.
The next meeting was Wednesday, with the meeting and program at 10:30 a.m. and a luncheon at 11:30 a.m. Just Three Circle was in charge of the program and Martha Circle was in charge of the luncheon.