Police: Minneapolis drunk driver hits 2 students
Published 11:41 am Thursday, December 4, 2014
MINNEAPOLIS — Police said a 26-year-old driver was drunk and high when he hit two University of Minnesota students in a crosswalk.
Ewan Leask of Minneapolis was charged Wednesday with two counts of criminal vehicular operation while driving under the influence. Police say he struck two 20-year-old women from China near the university Monday night after coming off an interstate exit ramp. Lanxiao Song and Zifei Guan were hospitalized.
Song said Wednesday they suffered concussions and haven’t been able to study. Police say Guan’s skull was fractured.
Leask told police he didn’t see the women in the street. Police said he admitted to drinking alcohol before driving and that he smokes marijuana daily to “deal with” Asperger’s syndrome.
Leask is being held at the Hennepin County jail on $75,000 bond. Online jail records didn’t indicate an attorney.