Published 9:00 am Sunday, January 4, 2015
First Lutheran Church Women
First Lutheran Church Women met at 1:30 p.m. Dec. 10 in Bethany Hall.
Prelude Christmas music was provided by Joan Holt and Marilyn Chafee who played several piano duets.
President Sandy Narverud welcomed everyone and led the reciting of the purpose statement.
Devotions were given by Jinni Olson on Christmas Eve and the manger.
Bonnie Trampel introduced Tim O’Shields as the talented, energetic minister of music who provided the program. He played an commented on a number of Christmas carols based on questions such as “What’s Happening?” “What Child is This?” “Where is He?” “Mary, Did You Know?” and “In the Bleak Midwinter,” which posed the question, “What Can I Give Him?” The promise is that the light of Christ, savior of the world, is never extinguished; Jesus is the light in this dark world.
Holt installed the 2015 officers, which are Co-Presidents Donna Ludtke and Joyce Fredin, Secretary Julia Tonder, Treasurer Virginia Hermanson, Assistant Treasurer Gen Montei and Immediate Past President Narverud.
The secretary’s report was reviewed and, upon motion by Jane Loge that was seconded by Diane Damerow, was approved.
Virginia Hermanson gave the treasurer’s report.
Acting as corresponding secretary, Tonder read a note from the Rev. John Holt, signed by all the staff, thanking the FLCW for hosting them at the First Advent Adventure meal Dec. 3, for the poinsettia plants and for all the services provided by the women of the church throughout the year. Other correspondence received included thank yous from the families of Perk Bergstrom and DeLoris Weurflein, requests for support from the Salvation Army, Bibles for the World, Hormel Institute, Good Earth Village and Mn Adult and Teen Challenge. The newsletter “Messenger” from Mount Carmel will be placed in the library.
Ione Kelly needs another volunteer on the prayer chain. Secret prayer partners will be selected at the January 2015 FLCW meeting.
Narverud asked members to prayerfully think about filling the vice president’s position. Suggestions have been made to have the May tea on Saturday so younger ladies can bring their children.
On behalf of the FLCW, Neva Mathison and Trampel presented a gift of appreciation to Narverud for serving as president this past year.
Olson gave the offering prayer, giving thanks for God’s unconditional love.
Narverud thanked ushers Marilyn Chafee, Lorraine Fjelstad, Helen Lovik and Carol Olson; greeters Tep Christensen, Karen Hovde and Marge Moine; and hostesses Chairwoman Virginia Hermanson and her committee of Eunice Isackson and Joyce Johnson.
Caring and Sharing Co-chairwomen Carol Colstrup and Wanda Dorman and their committee served two funerals in November.
The meeting was closed by singing the table prayer and praying the Lord’s Prayer.