Published 9:00 am Sunday, March 1, 2015
St. John’s Auxiliary
St. John’s Auxiliary met at 10:30 a.m. Feb. 15 in St. John’s chapel. President Jan Jerdee welcomed everyone. Irene Goskeson played the piano and the Rev. Lee Freshour led in singing “I Need Thee Every Hour.”
Jerdee read a poem entitled “Thanks for the Little Things.” She announced that the auxiliary has purchased six table and 25 chairs for St. John’s.
Auxiliary Secretary Bonnie Schneider read the minutes of the January meeting. She also gave the treasurer’s report. The reports were approved.
Activities Director Shirley Leeman reported there were 557 volunteer hours for January. She announced activities for March as follows: L.A. Sasse Music Tuesday, Johnny Bird music Friday, Lenten services at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesdays, Cletus Goldirsch March 13, music by Dunnell March 14, auxiliary meeting at 10:30 a.m. march 16 with Tim O’Shields, St. Patrick’s Day March 17, Wartburg’s women’s choir at 2 p.m. March 21, music by Cowboy Jim March 27 and usual weekly activities.
Vice President Les Harmon read the names of residents celebrating February birthdays and everyone sang the birthday song.
Churches thanked for serving Sunday coffee were Zion Lutheran and Grace Lutheran.
The program was provided by Bear Lake Concordia Lutheran. Carol Purdy on banjo and Clarence Heavner on accordion played and sang many patriotic songs, and in honor of Valentine’s Day sang “Have I Told You Lately That I Love You.”
The meeting adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer.
First Lutheran Church Women
First Lutheran Church Women met at 1:15 p.m. Feb. 11 in Bethany Hall.
Co-President Joyce Fredin welcomed everyone, after which Bonnie Schneider gave devotions, reading poems “I Said A Prayer for You Today” and “This is the Day the Lord Has Made.”
As a group they read the FLCW purpose statement.
Special music was provided by Julia Tonder accompanied by Tim O’Shields. She sang “Brighten the Corner Where You Are,” “Lord, Make Me an Instrument of Thy Peace” and “Hymn of Promise”.
Bonnie Trampel introduced Jan Jerdee, who presented the program “God’s Hands Through Us.” An insurance agent for Lutheran Brotherhood-Thrivent for many years, she now works with Blue Cross. Raising her deaf child, Jerdee became skilled in using and teaching sign language, gaining a keen appreciation for all that hands can represent. She emphasized that hands are God’s tools. They can be used in many ways — to teach, to comfort, to calm, to protect, to pray. Hands are made for service; they have tools to make the world a better place. Go out and serve the Lord!
The secretary’s report was approved as printed with a motion made by Neva Mathison and seconded by Phyllis Hamberg. Viriginia Hermanson gave the treasurer’s report. Excess funds have not been paid out yet. This report will be placed on file for audit.
Trampel received correspondence from Feed the Starving Children, thank yous from Mr. Carmel, Bibles for the World, Women of the ELCA, Youth for Christ, Salvation Army and Good Earth. Information and the registration form for Mt. Carmel Elderversity in August and newsletter from the Satres in Cameroon will be posted on the bulletin board.
Schneider made a motion to accept the 2015 proposed budget. It was seconded by Trample and passed unanimously. The distribution of $2,040 in excess funds for the year ending in 2014 was also approved after a motion by Hermanson and seconded by Ione Kelly.
Fredin was pleased to announce that the 2015 slate of officers is now complete. Marge LaFrance and Janice Lestrud will serve as the new co-vice presidents. The 2015 program booklets have been printed and are available for all members.
Kelly praised the staff for their kind efforts in helping the quilters get into their cars safely during yesterday morning’s freezing rain/sleet. (They were sent home early.) They scraped the ice from windshields and provided valet service, which was much appreciated.
For the offering prayer, Arlis Smith read a poem by Helen Steiner Rice, “Thank You God for Little Things That Often Come Our Way.”
Fredin thanked ushers Helen Lovik and Cheryl Moran; greeters Lorraine Fjelstad, Deloris Fligge and Lestrud; hostesses Chairwoman Bev Grotsun and her committee Jane Loge, Deb Hanson and Ann Satre.
Caring and Sharing co-chairwomen Deloris Fligge and Karin Mattson and their committee served three funerals in January.
The meeting was closed by praying the Lord’s Prayer and singing the Table Prayer.