Ah, the joys and pains of the spring season

Published 9:37 am Tuesday, April 7, 2015

I have a love and hate relationship with spring.

On one hand, it’s my favorite time of the year because it’s a time of renewed life, green grass, soon-to-be-blooming flowers and chirping birds. On the other hand, it’s one of my least favorite times of year because of the sinus pressure, watery eyes and stuffed up nose.

Heck, anyone who saw me Sunday or Monday probably thought I was going through something traumatic because my eyes were watering practically all day. I’m wiping away tears from my eyes as I type this.

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Just to clear the record now, I’m not upset about anything; my eyes have just been watering more these last few days than they probably ever have in the past.

I try not to complain too much, but this sure is miserable.

Is it allergies or a cold? Right now I’m leaning toward the allergies, though I have never been officially tested for it to confirm that.

Is anybody else going through the same thing I am right now?

Growing up in the state of Virginia, I remember my mom and younger sister had to get allergy shots once or twice a week because of things they were allergic to. I remember them saying it doesn’t completely cure the allergies, but it definitely helps make the symptoms from them much better. I can’t even remember the list of things they were allergic to, and I’m hoping it never comes to that for me. In the last few years I seem to have had year-round problems — congestion mainly, and especially in the first half of the day.

It would be nice to not have to deal with it.

Sooner or later, I better just get in to see the doctor and get it resolved somehow. In the meantime, I will just live and learn I guess. At least the warmer weather is coming, and soon I will be able to plant my flowers and vegetable gardens.

It is worth it in the end.


Feedback to the Tribune 

On an unrelated note, tonight is the Tribune’s annual reader advisory forum.

We have invited a group of people in the community to give us feedback on things in the newspaper, and I am excited to hear what they like and don’t like.

I’m sure you can expect to see some changes in the paper based off of the feedback we receive. After all, this is a community newspaper, and it is your newspaper. We are just overseeing it right now.

At any time you feel inclined to share your opinions about something in the paper, please give us a call.


Sarah Stultz is the managing editor of the Tribune. Her column appears each Tuesday. She can be reached at sarah.stultz@albertleatribune.com or 379-3435.