Albert Lea has everything needed and more
Published 2:41 pm Saturday, November 28, 2015
The Positive Approach, By Julie Short
“Why did you move to Albert Lea?” It’s a question my husband and I have been asked often since moving here in June of 2014. Once people find out we moved here after living in the Duluth area for almost 40 years, they’re even more curious as to why we would move to Albert Lea. Many of them had visited Duluth in the summer time and loved it. We love Duluth, too. We love its one-of-a-kind lake, abundance of woods, varied cultural and recreational opportunities, convenient and varied retail stores and restaurants, and yes, even the snow and cold. We enjoyed it all.
So why did we move to Albert Lea? The main reason is family. While we have many friends in the Duluth area, our families are here in southern Minnesota and the Albert Lea area. So after we retired, we moved. Over the past year and half we have found that while Albert Lea may not have everything we want, it does have everything we need and more.
Albert Lea has wonderful people. We were fortunate to move into a beautiful neighborhood with many friendly and helpful people. They showed us around and introduced us to their friends. They shared freely of themselves and their knowledge of Albert Lea and the surrounding area. Nearly everyone we met invited us to their church. So we visited several churches, heard wonderful teachings and met more friendly people. We saw firsthand how well the churches work together for the benefit of the community through events such as Shinefest and organizations such as AZ One, Youth for Christ and others.
Our neighbors and new friends also invited us to their service organizations and community events. Through these we became aware of the many opportunities to volunteer and be of service to the community. We’ve found Albert Lea to be very caring and supportive. Whether it’s a benefit for someone fighting cancer or a soup and dessert to raise money for various causes, people from the community are there, enjoying the food and each other. Albert Lea also has numerous agencies that lend a hand to those in need to help them get to a better place. Through the community resource center, medical facilities, schools, assisted living facilities and other agencies, people give of their time and talents for others.
Blue Zones has given us opportunities to develop new friendships along with improving our physical wellbeing. Some of our Blue Zones friends are new to the community, and others have lived here their whole lives. All enjoy the beauty of Albert Lea as we walk around the lake and observe well-maintained yards with an abundance of beautiful flowers and trees. I’ve also had the opportunity to experience the beauty of many of Albert Lea’s 40-plus parks on playdates with my grandchildren.
Friends from the Northland or family from southern Minnesota who visit us are impressed by the well maintained parks and neighborhoods and all they offer — from water skiing shows to ice fishing to neighborhood picnics and, of course, playdates. Our family and Northland friends are also impressed by the talented folks in Albert Lea — from the water skiers to those in the school and community plays to those in the art community as well as the concert performers. Albert Lea offers many wonderful opportunities to be entertained by local talent.
So while we still love Duluth and its many amenities, we have found that Albert Lea does indeed have everything we need and much, much more.
Julie Short is an Albert Lea resident.