
Published 6:35 am Monday, November 23, 2015

Grapevine Twist

The Grapevine Twist Square Dance Club hosted a dance Nov. 14 at the Senior Center at Skyline Mall. Elaine Peacock was the caller and called to three squares. A potluck was served after the dance. Servers for the evening were Gary and Renee Johnson. The next dance will be Saturday. Les LaLone will be the caller. Pumpkin desserts will be served after the dance. Visitors are welcome.


First Lutheran Church Women

First Lutheran Church Women met at 1:15 p.m. Nov. 11 in Bethany Hall. Prelude music was provided by Joan Holt.

Co-president Donna Ludtke welcomed everyone and led the reciting of the purpose statement. Hazel Senske gave devotions on “Thinking and Thanking” based on Psalm 11, a psalm of thanksgiving.

Bonnie Trampel introduced Larry Alvey, tour manager at Four Seasons, who presented a program on Cuba. A year ago he led a group of people on a People to People tour of the island, visiting rural areas in addition to Havana. All people have the same passion — to be happy and take care of family. They want the opportunity to have jobs. Looking to the future, Alvey hopes that America brings the only best to the Cuban people, not negative influences. Sally Benson, who was on that tour, also offered some interesting information.

Ludtke conducted the business meeting. The secretary’s report was approved as printed with a motion by Seske and a second by Nancy Jenson. Treasurer Virginia Hermanson gave her report. Circle No. 31 donated $50 for a goat for Rwanda through Evangelical Lutheran Church Association Good Gifts.

Corresponding secretary Trampel had received thank yous from Good Earth Village and Ann Joos. “The Messenger” from Mt. Carmel Ministries, a report from Plymouth Youth Center and a brochure for Exultate, directed by Thomas Rosin, will be placed in the library.

Diane Damerow reported that plans are going well for Holidays Ahead. Carol Grydenlund and Bonnie Anderson are co-chairwomen of the noon luncheon. Poinsettia plants will be used for decoration and will also be for sale.

There is still a vacancy for one of the co-presidents for next year. The Rock needs 150 muffins each Wednesday. Members are encouraged to call and let them know how many they are bringing.

Ludtke thanked ushers Marlene Behle and Marilyn Chafee; greeters Mavis Bryson and Deloris Fligge; and hostesses chairperson, Jan Overgaard, and her committee of Jennifer Edwin, Carol Hedalen, Brenda Ludtke, Bev Sutton, Mary Ann Venem and Georgia Wentzel.

Co-chairwomen Behle and Karen Hovde and the committee served one funeral in October.

There will be an Advent workshop from 3 to 5 p.m. Sunday in Bethany Hall. Advent Adventure will be Dec. 2, Dec. 9 and Dec. 16. The schedule for those days will be 11 a.m. devotion and prayer in Bethany Hall; 11:30 a.m. gourmet lunch in Bethany Hall; 12:30 to 1:15 p.m. recital in the sanctuary; and 1:15 p.m. stroll through the Creche Walk. The Hanging of the Green First Lutheran Church choirs and orchestra concert presenting the sounds of Christmas and the season will be Dec. 11.