It is high noon for the American voter this Nov.

Published 9:51 am Tuesday, April 19, 2016

My Point of View by Jerrold Dettle

Main Streets across America will be filled at both ends of the Mall with activists and opportunists of all types from around the world this fall. A restless mob of diverse participators in the decision-making process will be anxiously waiting at opposing ends of the desecrated and bitterly scarred political landscape that separates them. A political earthquake on the main streets of America is fueled by two opposing constitutional ideologies. The debate will cut an irreparable figure on the past constitutional heritage of the nation.  A multitude of good, well-meaning citizens will bitterly face-off in this earth-shaking movement of dreams and aspirations.

Jerrold Dettle

Jerrold Dettle

The historically uninformed voters or the complacent non-participant will on this historic Nov. 8, receive with everyone identical life-altering governmental dictums from the voters’ choices. The sum effect of the voters’ decision will be definitive for all Americans at this historic November moment.

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Yes! You, the American voter will have spoken! You are demanding a restructured future, and whatever path you choose, it will have a permanency. There will be at that time no available exit for large groups of the disappointed. Some engaged in the confrontation will be there sorely for one or two issues, but they also will have their lives equally and completely submerged by a definitive ideological direction.

The discordant policies are now being dogmatically implanted at both ends of Main Street by leaders who lurk there in shadowy darkness.   The mostly hidden “power brokers” are directing each of the competing paths, while millions of diverse Americans debate. Both sides contain ordinary citizens seeking relief from the growing malignancies appearing to threaten their private and economic security. Main Street Americans by the millions are feeling abused and tortured by an over-reaching central government. The list of legitimate complaints is very extensive, but simply said, Americans are mostly seeking an adult life graced with individual freedom.

The shouting masses of humanity we now hear, are just crying for the selfish ears of the political leadership to be opened. Pluralities of those marching on Nov. 8 are loyal citizens and hard workers who may not be able to define the word ideologue, but they possess an inherent American wisdom of government scoundrels who distort, extort and import unfairly.  And the roar of the discontented this historic year will crush those who have foolishly planted and cultivated a national decline. Those who have honed walls of indifference and constructed bastilles of personal power while uttering lies of concern will not at this time hear a bellowing song of unity.

Many know that past confrontations between major forces of capitalism and militant socialism have resulted in one completely overwhelmingly the other.    Whatever paradigm prevails, the direction of our local lives and that of the children will be established for many years into the future.

Fear not the threat of Armageddon! Humans have existed for ions and this forecast is not even close to bucking that trend. However, the truth buried in this writing is that republics have always been short-lived and die rather quickly!

At the present time, the United States of America seems to be following that trend!


Jerrold Dettle is a member of the Freeborn County Republican Party.