Everyone has free speech rights

Published 9:00 am Sunday, May 29, 2016

The NRA does focus on the Second Amendment. The NRA does not bully people as you claim. But I do agree with you that some leaders do disavow any connection between words and violent deeds. Hillary Clinton via her verbalizations about torture, rape and murder of Ambassador Stevens and three U.S. soldiers in Benghazi — “What difference does it make anyway?” — statement made people so angry that they indeed want to fight for what is right.

You and they can determine what that fight would be and now is. And to claim this situation was the result of a film is beyond the pale. This lie and coverup is nothing short of the allowance of and the acceptance of “political casualties.” Violence against women is Hillary Clinton’s hallmark. Husband Bill had non-consensual sex with numerous women. Hillary called them liars, whores and worse. She made their lives a living hell. She has never stood up for the rights of women. She may verbalize but her actions speak otherwise. Hillary Clinton’s actions echo Ted Nugent’s verbalizations.

So I will go to the fair on Ted Nugent day. Not so much to see him, as I never liked his music, but to make a statement. Our First Amendment rights are at stake. Do I like what Ted Nugent says? No, but he has the right to say what he says. Does he say inflammatory, ridiculous things? Yes, but he has the right to say them. Hillary, too, has the right to say what she says. And so does Jennifer Vogt-Erickson, just like every other American.

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Vicki Pestorious

Albert Lea