There is too much at stake in this session

Published 9:26 am Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Guest Column by Greg Davids

Dear Gov. Dayton,

Not long ago, media members asked for your thoughts regarding the remainder of the 2016 legislative session.

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In a very partisan and condescending manner, you took issue with the way the Republican-led House is conducting its business. You told them you would not negotiate with us over our “garbage” budget bills and that you’d prefer that the Minnesota Legislature “go home.”

Greg Davids

Greg Davids

Governor, these are very troubling, unhelpful comments. Now I have an idea of how stressful and difficult it must be leading this state, and the press may have caught you at a bad moment.

The problem is, governor, when you say things like “go home,” people actually think you mean it — that you no longer want to be a part of the process, that you don’t want to improve the lives of Minnesotans.

We have a tremendous amount at stake this session. Long-term transportation funding is a top priority for both Republicans and Democrats, and we are on the cusp of finding a compromise. That disappears if legislators actually hit the road.

We can approve a bipartisan bonding bill that can fund important infrastructure projects statewide. Improvements to college buildings, wastewater facilities and township roads and bridges all vanish if lawmakers head for home.

We have the opportunity to approve a robust tax relief plan that would benefit hundreds of thousands of Minnesotans. As tax chairman, I’ve spent the past two years looking for ways to bring needed relief to our seniors, students, veterans, Main Street business owners, farmers and the middle class. We have the opportunity to approve something historic, but it won’t happen if you check out.

Governor, don’t stop believin’.

Sure we have our political differences, but cooler heads can prevail. Don’t abandon us, governor. Don’t quit on lawmakers. Don’t quit on Minnesotans. We’re here to do the people’s business, and we need you active and engaged. We have work to do, and we can do it in a bipartisan way.

If nothing gets done this session people are going to remember that you got mad and told us to go home. They’ll think you weren’t serious about having a productive year. They’ll question your motives. No one wants that.

Vince Lombardi once said “winners never quit and quitters never win.” Don’t quit on us governor; there’s too much at stake. Please, end the calls to send us home and let’s work together.

As always yours, your friend,

Greg Davids


State Rep. Greg Davids, R-Preston, is chairman of the Minnesota House Taxes Committee.