Guest Column: Come together as a community to help

Published 9:00 am Sunday, August 7, 2016

Live United by Ann Austin

Ann Austin is the executive director of the United Way of Freeborn County. 

Our United Way has been in existence for nearly 90 years. It is so profound to think of all of the lives impacted over this period of time.

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Initially, years ago, our United Way began as many others did through operating as a “Community Chest.” I remember when I first began this work; it was such an interesting historical fact. But I also wondered if this somehow influenced how people viewed our work as an organization.

Ann Austin

Ann Austin

Many of us who played Monopoly remember drawing cards for the “Community Chest.” Our United Way is quite different than the experience in a Monopoly game. Often, if the wrong card is drawn in Monopoly, one’s fate lies in the balance. At other times, large sums of money are given without much effort.

In reality, there is a lot of effort and intention put into the work we do as an organization. We continually look at the process we use to provide as many helpful resources as we can — and the role we play to address local issues.

Community volunteers gather on a regular basis to examine how programs function in our community and how we can best utilize community donations. They ask thoughtful questions and provide helpful feedback. Our volunteers are partners in the process and do an excellent job encouraging local programs to continue to grow their efforts.

Over the last several years, we have encouraged more collaboration — not only to be more efficient with funds, but to help address gaps in service delivery. We have recognized success so far and continue to observe organizations connecting to resolve issues they are facing.

Recently, several organizations joined together to apply for a program that will address a gap in community services. This was a result of discussions over years about how programs were functioning and what kind of operation would most benefit their clients. We are thankful for their ability to be honest and work together to come up with a workable plan.

Our goal is that all organizations have the freedom and opportunity to be innovative and gather together to talk about what is possible, rather than operate in isolation and continue to do what they have always done.

The United Way board recently approved preliminary funding for programs for the 2017 operational year. In the application process this past spring, we saw many ideas and new visions for programs, which are very exciting!

Overall, there are 27 programs that we expect to support in 2017, and they cover everything from early childhood education and social-emotional development to encouraging self-sufficiency, counseling services, supporting healthy relationships and addressing basic needs.

The need for 2017 is $571,000. We are thankful to have so many community partners, including the funded programs and other organizations we work with, local businesses which run campaigns, individuals who give, advocate and volunteer and all those who are willing to come together in common purpose.

It’s so important, especially during times of great uncertainty or challenge, that we come together as a community and figure out what we can do, here and now, to help.

Please consider getting involved in our local United Way thorough giving, advocating or volunteering. There are many ways to get meaningfully involved — our community is a great place and we can make it even better!