
Published 9:00 am Sunday, April 23, 2017

Duplicate Bridge Club

Six tables played during Duplicate Bridge Club on April 12 at the Senior Center in Austin. Winners were Gene Mucho and Ron Peters, first place; Larry Crowe and Bill Momsen, second place; John Liesen and Rick Stroup, third place; Joyce Crowe and Millie Seiver, fourth place; Judy Bungum and David Solomson, fifth place; and Gail and Ray Schmidt, sixth place.

Five tables played Duplicate Bridge on April 13 at the Senior Center in Austin. Winners were Eunice Michaelis and Warren Behrends, first place; Carolyne Higgins and Russ Valle, second place; Dave Ring and Stan Schultz, third place; Vandy Newman and Ron Peters, fourth place; and Joyce Crowe and Millie Seiver, fifth place..

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Players came from  Adams, Rose Creek, Albert Lea, Austin, Northwood and Mason City.

American Legion Auxiliary

American Legion Auxiliary Unit No. 56 of Albert Lea met at 7 p.m. April 5 in the Legion event center. President Bonnie Schneider opened the meeting. A hand salute was given to colors already in place. Chaplain Kim Thomas led the group in prayer. A moment of silence was observed in memory of the group’s dead. The Pledge of Allegiance and preamble of the American Legion Auxiliary was recited by all.

Secretary Ange Larson took roll call and gave her report of the last meeting. Treasurer Deanne Adams gave her report. The reports were approved and put on file for audit.

Committee reports were given.

Karen Cibert of the children and youth committee asked that members continue to bring in after-school snacks until May or until school is out. Members were also reminded to bring in any Box Tops for Education they may have, as the program is changing.

Lynn Koza of the Americanism committee reported about Nation of Patriots, which will visit Albert Lea this summer.

Bonnie Schneider of the membership committee stated there are 319 paid members so far. Betty Anderson of the national security committee thanked everyone for bringing in coupons to send troops and asked members to continue to bring them in.

Annual reports were due April 15. All chairwomen were instructed to finish them and bring them to the club on April 12 so they could be sent to the department.

A memorial service was led by the group’s chaplain. Those remembered at the service were Lorraine Berg, Beverly Boone, Marjorie Effle, Marjorie Evenson, Ruby Fredrickson, Eleanor Hamore, Ruth Haugerud, Elaine Peterson, past president Dorothy Snider, past president Maureen Stiehl, Helen Anderson, Maxine Gavle and LaVonne Olson.

Candidates for the district and department conventions were elected. The district convention is May 20 in Albert Lea and the department convention will be July 13 through July 15 in Mahnomen.

Recommendations approved were for district president project, department president project, commanders project, the historical museum, Legionville, Albert Lea firefighters, honor guard, Legion baseball and the Nation of Patriots.

Poppy Day will be May 19.

Lunch was served by Cibert and Carolyn Smith.

The quarter drawing was won by Deanna Adams.

The chaplain led the group in a closing prayer.

The meeting was adjourned at 8 p.m. The next meeting will be at 7 p.m. June 7. Continuous membership certificates will be awarded at that time.

National Active and Retired Federal Employees

The National Active and Retired Federal Employees Albert Lea/Austin Chapter No. 469 met April 11 at Pizza Ranch in Albert Lea. The speaker was Carol Marth from Freeborn County Senior Resources.

A business meeting took place with reports from the legislative, membership and public relations committees. The meeting will be at 11:30 a.m. June 12 at Pizza Ranch in Austin.

NARFE is a nonprofit organization that provides many services and opportunities that promote health and well-being to seniors and others in need throughout the county.