Principal’s Corner: Summer opportunities for students
Published 9:00 am Sunday, April 30, 2017
Principal’s Corner by Tonya Prouty
It is hard to believe that the countdown is on and summer is right around the corner.
With summer comes the thoughts of summer activities for your child. As you are looking at swimming lessons, activities at the public library and day camps, also be thinking about summer learning opportunities with the school district.
Albert Lea Area Schools provides learning opportunities for students at nearly all grade levels.
Targeted services are available for students entering grades one through eight who meet eligibility criteria.
Students who are behind in satisfactorily completing grade level requirements are most often recommended for the program, but students who speak English as a second language and students who have experienced high absenteeism are also referred.
During targeted services, students work on math and reading skills along with a variety of other activities that will keep them engaged in learning! Targeted services are a great learning opportunity for students to help prevent summer learning loss.
Credit recovery is available for students in grades nine through 12. Credit recovery is an opportunity for students to recover credits of failed courses in their high school career. Students are able to recover up to two credits during the summer. Credit recovery uses a web-based curriculum in science, social studies, math, health and physical education. Language arts is a self-paced, modified direct instruction format.
Summer credit recovery will be from July 10-27 at Southwest Middle School. There will be a morning and afternoon session. Please speak with your student’s high school guidance counselor to register for credit recovery.
Tonya Prouty is the principal of the Albert Lea Area Learning Center.