Letter: Nurses to begin negotiations

Published 9:31 pm Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The registered nurses at Mayo Clinic Health System in Albert Lea will begin contract negotiations May 31. In recent months, we have watched as other employee groups, both here and on the Austin campus, moved through the negotiation process, and it is well known that they encountered difficult and protracted negotiations. It seems the days of sitting down with local nursing and administrative leaders — those who know us and our work best — are fading, as more and more decisions and direction come from those away from the bedside and from outside of our community hospital. Mindful of the experiences of our union sisters and brothers, Mayo Clinic Health System in Albert Lea RN’s are nonetheless hopeful we will be met at our upcoming negotiations with a spirit of mutual respect and a desire to engage in meaningful dialogue with a shared commitment to the dignity of every person, a safe work environment, fair wages/benefits and a stable workforce.

As we have done during past negotiations, we have started a weekly “Walk with RNs and Friends.” Our first walk was May 18, and walks will continue every Wednesday, rain or shine, until we have a contract that supports great patient care. If you are interested in joining us, we meet in front of the medical campus at 3:30 p.m. and walk west on Fountain Street to Park Avenue, then east on Fountain Street to the gazebo on the lake before returning to our starting point. When you see us in our red shirts, we hope you will smile, wave or better yet, join us!

We are proud of the care we provide you, our friends, neighbors and co-workers, and ask you for your support in helping us to continue to provide safe, quality health care right here in our full-service community hospital. Nurses truly care about you and are committed to great patient care in Albert Lea.

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Thank you for your support.

Kathleen Lehman

registered nurse

Minnesota Nurses Association member

Albert Lea bargaining unit co-chairwoman