Principal’s Corner: It’s a time for gratitude
Published 10:58 pm Friday, May 5, 2017
Principal’s Corner by Judi Vitito
Did you know that gratitude improves your physical health, that grateful people sleep better? It improves self esteem and increases resilience during tough times.
A while back, the 21-day Gratitude Challenge was the rage on social media sites like Facebook. And of course, in November, Thanksgiving and gratitude go hand in hand.
So, why an attitude of gratitude in spring? I don’t know about you, but these days a hint of blue sky and sunshine makes me feel grateful and that simple act reminds me to give thanks for the little things (and the big things) in life. Schools do just that at this time of year.
Whatever the weather, as the end of a school year approaches, educators find ways to express gratitude to those who spend their time in schools: volunteer appreciation, administrative assistants appreciation, teacher appreciation, para-professional appreciation.
Across the nation, schools dedicate days or even weeks to recognizing those who play integral roles in public education.
This past week, Albert Lea schools, partnering with parent teacher organizations, celebrated teacher appreciation week in various ways — special lunches, breakfasts, raffle drawings and more. Prior to this week, administrative assistants went home with arms full of plants, spring flower arrangements and other treats to let them know how much they are appreciated.
While these days and weeks are special, showing gratitude is something from which we can all reap the benefits all year long.
We all have the ability and daily opportunity to cultivate an attitude of gratitude. Just take a few moments to focus on all that you have — a blue sky, a special teacher, supportive colleagues, warm sunshine … I think you get the idea. Are you up for the gratitude challenge?
Judi Vitito is the principal of Hawthorne Elementary School.