NRHEG trap shooting awards
Published 4:12 pm Sunday, November 26, 2017
The NRHEG clay target team held its fall awards banquet Nov. 16 in the commons at NRHEG High School. Eighty-two parents and athletes celebrated a successful fall season as they ate, watched a 2017 year-in-review slide show and helped recognize individual awards.
For the fall season there were 21 letter winners out of the 44-person team. To letter, an athlete must have an average of 20 out of 25 or better and compete in at least four of the five weeks of competition. The team also recognized the eight athletes who finished in the top 25 averages for their conference in both boys’ and girls’ categories.
Award winners for the boys’ were Evan Dobberstein, third; Alex Romer, fifth; Ashton Worke, 11th; Noah Alinder, 11th; Alex Dobberstien, 22nd; and Clay Stenzel, 22nd, each received a trophy to mark their achievement.
Receiving top 25 trophies for the girls’ were Morgan Sack, 23rd; and Hanna Sack, 24th.
Finally, the team announced its most improved shooter and the top gun. Hanna Sack became the first female to receive the most improved shooter, with her average increase of over 274 percent from the start of the season to the end. The top gun award went to Evan Dobberstein, who shot 24 out of 25 targets on average each week.
The team said a huge thank you goes out to its sponsors, the Owatonna Gun Club and its team of volunteer coaches: Dan Sorum, Kim Olson, Al Kraay, Neal Pederson, Dawn Raatz and Steve Raatz.