Editorial: Get involved in all levels of government

Published 10:03 pm Thursday, February 8, 2018

Though we didn’t expect the turnout at Tuesday’s precinct caucuses to be as high as 2016 during a presidential election year, we were nonetheless disappointed to see the slim turnout at both the Freeborn County DFL and Republican party caucuses.

In 2016, there were 585 voters during the presidential straw vote at the Freeborn County GOP caucuses. Contrast that with this year when there were 58 in the straw vote for Minnesota governor.

In 2016, there were 444 voters at the Freeborn County DFL caucuses. This year there were 72.

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While we understand a position as large as the president is not on this year’s election ballot, there are several other large races being considered, most notably Minnesota governor.

Caucuses are one of the many opportunities citizens have to learn about candidates and to discuss the pros and cons of each with others in their party. It is also a time where people elect the delegates to the county conventions and discuss major party platforms.

Though the caucus process may not be a familiar one to all, we encourage people in the future to get out and familiarize themselves with all of the candidates vying for office.

Whether it’s governor, U.S. senator or state representative, each play an important role in representing our communities and passing legislation that affects us here back home.

Become educated about the candidates and let them be aware of issues important to you.

You’ll thank yourself later.