
Published 9:00 am Saturday, February 17, 2018

Freeborn American Legion Auxiliary

The Freeborn American Legion Auxiliary Post No. 552 met on Jan. 27 at the Freeborn American Legion Hall. President Sandy Anderson called the meeting to order. The pledges were recited and she read a prayer. The secretary and treasurer’s reports were given and approved.

Anderson presented a bill from the pot luck/bingo party and the group’s “Adopt A Vet” project. A motion was made and carried to pay the bills that were presented. The group received a thank you from the Mayo Clinic Health System Albert Lea Hospice Program and from the Veterans Home in Hastings for adopting a vet. The group also received a thank you from the VA Health Care System for the six heart pillows and the six neck pillows that they received from us.

Email newsletter signup

Anderson gave a report on the how the Santa/hospice tree lighting/pot luck/bingo party went. According to a report, the number of people attending was down a few from previous years, but a good time was had by those who attended. All went home with prizes. When people were leaving, some said that they would be back next year.

It was announced that the group still has one member that did not renew, but the group did add a couple of new members this year. The dues notices for 2018 will be sent in by the treasurer. It was decided that since the national will be taking $3 more next year, the group will have to increase its dues by $3.

The details of the soup n’ pie/dessert fundraiser were reviewed and the date of the event was that night. Posters have been put up in various businesses in the area. The organization is looking for girls in the 11th grade in its area to attend Girls’ State. We are also looking for boys in the 11th grade in its area to attend Boys’ State. With no other business the meeting was adjourned. The next meeting was at 9 a.m. today at the Freeborn American Legion Hall.

Fully Rely on God

Fully Rely on God had its annual Valentine’s Day Gala on Feb. 3 in the fellowship hall at Central Freeborn Lutheran Church of rural Albert Lea.

Fully Rely on God is an outreach mission of Central Freeborn to promote fun, food and fellowship.

The event was attended by 58 people who were served Domino’s Pizza and pop by Wayne Indrelie and Genie and Bob Hanson, F.R.O.G. co-chairpersons, as well as Gale Nelson and Carol Bertelson.

Those in attendance played 12 games of Norwegian bingo before enjoying ice cream with a variety of toppings. Door prize winners were also announced. Winners and the prizes won were Kylie Titus, a big teddy bear; Brandy Hensche, a comforter; and JoAnn Carlsen, Perkins muffins.

During the Valentine’s event, cards with local food coupons were signed and mailed to members of East and Central Freeborn Lutheran Church. Coupons were from KFC, Arby’s and Trumble’s.

The next F.R.O.G. event is a bus trip to Lutheran night at the Twins on July 31.