Arts center looking for entries to exhibit
Published 8:47 pm Thursday, March 8, 2018
Clear Lake Arts Center will accept entries into the fifth annual Repurpose Exhibit, according to a press release.
The competition is open to everyone — anyone who has applied creativity in their area of interest or specialization, and in the process, changed the reason for which something exists, or repurposed it.
There is no entry fee, and in the end the public is invited to vote on Best of Show at the Clear Lake Green Expo. The Best of Show winner will receive a $100 prize.
There are five categories:
2-D Work of Art, which could be a collage/painting
3-D Work of Art, a free-standing structure or hang-on-the-wall, but three-dimensional in nature
Functional, has dual functions, it is a work of art and an object of use
Wearable, which has dual functions as a work of art and an object to wear
Fiber, not wearable
Works may fall into multiple categories. It is the responsibility of the person submitting the work to determine in which category they would like the piece to be entered. All works will be judged and $25 in Clear Lake Chamber Bucks will be awarded to the works named best in category. There are five awards total.
Works must be dropped off to Clear Lake Arts Center, 17 S. Fourth St. in downtown Clear Lake, by March 24 during regular business hours, which are from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday.
The exhibit begins at noon April 6 and will run through April 28. There will be an artist’s reception and awards ceremony from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. April 7. The public is invited. Awards will be announced at 11:30 a.m.
The top five works will be on display April 19 at the Green Expo at the Surf Ballroom. There, the public will vote on Best of Show. The prize for best of show is $100 in Clear Lake Chamber Bucks. Best of Show will be announced April 21 at Clear Lake’s Outdoor Fest in City Park.
Download the official rules and entry form from Clear Lake Arts Center’s website,, or pick them up at Clear Lake Arts Center.