Sarah Stultz: Fishing opener is a chance for Albert Lea to shine

Published 7:40 pm Monday, May 14, 2018

Nose for News by Sarah Stultz


I don’t know about you guys, but I was thrilled to hear the announcement over the weekend that the Minnesota Governor’s Fishing Opener is going to be in Albert Lea next year.

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I can’t say I have fished a ton on Albert Lea’s lakes in the time I have lived here, but my husband is an avid fisherman, and so are several of our family’s friends and a few of my other family members.

Fishing aside, I think everyone can agree that our lakes are some of our biggest gems in the community. Whether we are taking part in different activities on them or simply enjoying their view, they make Albert Lea a special place.

To have this event be in Albert Lea will be a huge deal for our community. Not only does it mean our next governor will be here to fish that day, but in addition there will also be many, many other people flocking to our community to check out our lakes. With that, of course, will come many members of the media, who always cover this event.

Albert Lea’s efforts to dredge Fountain Lake will be on display, as will the ongoing revitalization taking place downtown. How will our community’s businesses and other organizations capitalize on this opportunity?

People will be traveling to Albert Lea to stay in our hotels and to eat in our restaurants. How can we showcase this beautiful city we live in to other people from across the state who will be watching this event unfold? How can we encourage the people who will be coming to the community for the first time to come back again another day?

Although I look forward to seeing what the different organizations and community groups plan, it will not only be the responsibility of these groups to build a memorable weekend. It will be up to our community as whole to make an impact and welcome our visitors.

Albert Lea should be proud of this opportunity.

It’ll be our chance to shine.

Sarah Stultz is the managing editor of the Tribune. Her column appears every Tuesday.