Sarah Stultz: Remember to always treasure each day

Published 9:23 pm Monday, May 21, 2018

Nose for News by Sarah Stultz


It has been a week of tragedy in the news, both locally and nationally.

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On Friday, a 17-year-old student opened fire and killed 10 people and injured at least 10 others at Santa Fe High School in Santa Fe, Texas.

I got caught up in the news fairly early that morning after seeing Facebook posts from another mom in our community, who is friends with a parent whose child attended the same Texas high school.

At first — and for most of the day — the Facebook posts stated this woman’s daughter had been missing after the shooting. She pleaded I checked back in regularly throughout the day, hoping that eventually there would be news of a happy reunion. Imagine — knowing that there had been a shooting at your daughter’s school and the horror of not knowing where she was even hours after the event.

Many offered prayers for this mother and her daughter throughout the day, including myself.

However, later in the day, I found out this Santa Fe woman’s teenage daughter was one of the 10 killed. She was in class in one of the school’s art rooms, which from what I have  heard were the focus of the shooter.

As I sat at my dining room table reading the news from my laptop, I felt a tear slide down my cheek, and my heart sank.

I did not know this woman personally, but I have unfortunately known the pain that comes with losing a loved one — particularly a child. To know there were these other families who were going through the same thing that night after finding out their loved ones had passed on in such a horrific way was heartbreaking.

Fast forward to the weekend, when I was again on social media, but this time reading about a kayaking accident with a Northwood man and his 4-year-old son.

Though I did not know this family, my heart also sank for them.

Again, two lives lost too soon.

The tragedies this weekend — that have become all too commonplace — have reminded me to treasure each day. Much needs to be done to change our schools, our country and our society, but today, focus on these simple things:

• Hug your children.

• Tell your family and friends you love them.

• Show kindness to a stranger.

• Get involved for good in the community.

• Speak out and promote positive change.

Spend each day like it was your last.

Sarah Stultz is the managing editor of the Tribune. Her column appears every Tuesday.