Chuck Anderson: United South Central had coach of the year

Published 9:44 pm Friday, June 29, 2018

Sports Memories by Chuck Anderson


50 years ago: 1968

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• The Albert Lea Eagles defeated Olson Chevrolet 3-2 in the Albert Lea softball league and improved their league leading record to 4-1. Leading the Eagles in hitting were Ken Sibilrud, Dennis Jensen and Max Swenson with two hits each. Archie Nelson had three hits for Olson.

• Athelene Tesch had two hits including one home run and Jean Goskeson had three hits for the Northside team in its 11-10 victory over Piggly Wiggly in an Albert Lea women’s softball league game.

• Clayts Service defeated the Interstate team 7-6 in an American Division game in the Albert Lea slow pitch league. Bob Anderson hit a home run, Dean Anderson and Dale Holstad each had two hits for Clayts.


25 years ago: 1993

• Named the 1993 Albert Lea Tribune baseball Player of the Year was Mark Ricke of United South Central and the baseball Coach of the Year was Jeff Reese of NRHEG. Named to the first team baseball team from Albert Lea High School were Tom Drasher, Dan Willmert, Mark Willmert, Reid Olson and Trent Struck; from USC were Mark Ricke, Kirby Crable and Chris Bushlack; from NRHEG were Ryan Nissen, Neil Bentley and Greg Schultz and from Glenville-Emmons was Tom Fredrickson.

• In the Star of the North Games in the girls’ 13 to 14 age group Darcie Gayken won the gold medal in both the shot put and the discus.


10 years ago: 2008

• Named the 2008 Albert Lea Tribune baseball Player of the Year was Dakato Tracy of NRHEG and the baseball Coach of the Year was Pat Frank of USC. Named to the first team baseball team from NRHEG was Dakato Tracy; from USC were Jake Bonsack and Kevin George and from G-E was Logan Hansen. Named to the second team from NRHEG were Gaven Schlaak and Colton Schlaak; from Alden-Conger was Mitchell Kleinschrodt and from Albert Lea were Logan Kortan and Anthony Tippeett. Named to the third team from NRHEG was Payden Peterson; from USC were Chris Schultz and Nick Fure; from Albert Lea was Casey Woodside and from G-E was Jon Mittag.