Editorial: Be respectful during this election season

Published 8:57 pm Thursday, July 19, 2018

As the local election season ramps up, and the primary election is less than a month away, we wish to remind all candidates and their supporters of the power of running respectful campaigns.

Now is the time for candidates to spread their messages with community members and to educate voters on how they would handle issues if elected to office.

The Tribune in the coming weeks will have stories about all of the candidates facing off in the primary election, and we hope to educate readers about the issues that are important to each person running.

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As is usual Tribune policy, all candidates, supporters and opponents — and anyone else who chooses — are allowed one letter to the editor per week. Letters can be up to 500 words and can either be dropped off at the Tribune in person, mailed in or emailed to letters@albertleatribune.com. Letters should include the name, address and phone number of the person submitting the letter. The address and phone number will only be used for verification purposes.

The Tribune will not accept letters concerning politics after 5 p.m. Aug. 10 regarding candidates participating in the primary election. This allows time for letters to be printed prior to the Aug. 14 election.

The Tribune attempts to publish all letters within the word limit with some exceptions: Any letters that are preposterous or libelous will not be published. Unproven accusations will need to be investigated as true before they are published. As news and comments can be unpredictable, the Tribune reserves the right to make decisions as cases arise. Most of all, we seek a fair and open forum for dialogue.

We look forward to the upcoming campaigns and hearing more about the future goals for our community.

We ask voters to take the time to educate themselves on the candidates before heading to the polls.