County recorder hopeful wants to update systems

Published 10:06 pm Wednesday, October 31, 2018

The challenger for Freeborn County recorder, Sue Tasker, hopes to use her background in real estate and business management to preserve clear and precise records of documents and property ownership if she is elected.

Sue Tasker

Tasker, the former county human resources director, is squaring off against incumbent Kelly Callahan, who was first appointed to the position by the Freeborn County Board of Commissioners in 2000.

“I am also very interested in bringing the county into the year 2018 and beyond with updated systems and processes,” Tasker said. “I am an eager servant and believe that customer service would be a No. 1 priority.”

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Tasker’s greatest asset

“I believe that a solid education is the greatest asset I can bring to this position,” Tasker said. She noted she is pursuing a master’s degree in business administration and has been a human resource manager or director “for great companies.”

“I’m an eager student, always striving to seek out knowledge and best practices,” Tasker said. “I’m an innovative, forward thinker.”


County strengths

Tasker said the Freeborn County Department of Human Services uses the merit system in the hiring process.

“I believe all departments within Freeborn County would benefit from using a merit-based system when hiring; this could help eliminate unfair hiring practices,” she said.


County weaknesses

Tasker called systems in Freeborn County “outdated.”

“I firmly believe the IT Department needs to be updated and reorganized; it’s currently a money drain,” she said. “IT is not the only department that would benefit from an overhaul. Many counties share IT services. Freeborn County could certainly save money and unnecessary overtime by outsourcing or sharing.”

She said the county’s “good old boys club” needs to be disbanded.

“Term limits should be implemented for all elected officials,” Tasker said. “Having elected officials in place for decades is not conducive to progress.

“Most of us recognize term limits as an organizational tool that helps curb the potential of a misuse of power. Term limits also help eliminate stagnation and ineffective leadership.”

To Tasker, as leaders are rotated or changed, different people bring different skill sets to positions, ushering in new ideas and perspectives.

“Inspiration and growth occurs,” she said.

Tasker said Freeborn County could share services such as IT and engineering with another county.

“If we switch to a merit system for the whole county instead of just part of the county, that would eliminate the need for an outdated HR process,” she said. “These ideas alone would save the county several hundred thousand dollars a year and would allow us to focus on growth, not stagnation,” she said.


Sue Tasker is challenging incumbent Kelly Callahan for the Freeborn County recorder position. See Callahan’s Tribune election profile here.

About Sam Wilmes

Sam Wilmes covers crime, courts and government for the Albert Lea Tribune.

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