Letter: The Keith Ellison I know

Published 8:50 pm Friday, November 2, 2018

I’ve known Keith Ellison since 1987. I was raised in Hawley and attended Moorhead State University (now MSUM).  I then spent three years with Keith in a small  class at the University of Minnesota Law School.  We agreed on some things and argued about others. But I’ve always known Keith to be honest and dedicated to justice.

Keith and I reconnected during his first run for Congress. I admired how he handled the attacks against him in that campaign. I’ll never forget the message he sent me the night he won: “Lori, let’s heal this broken world.”

Now, Keith is running for attorney general.  Minnesotans shouldn’t be distracted by unproven and unsubstantiated allegations from electing Keith, a passionate supporter of civil rights for all. Considering his opponent, Republican Doug Wardlow, is a reactionary candidate who has fought against the rights of women, LGBT people and other marginalized groups, the stakes are too high to not vote for Keith. Wardlow’s history of homophobia, including credible allegations he bullied a classmate into attempted suicide, disqualifies him for the job of Minnesota’s attorney general.

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For nearly 30 years, I’ve represented women in sexual harassment/abuse cases. It is clear, now more than ever, that Minnesota needs an attorney general who will be an advocate for everyone: That advocate is Keith Ellison.

Lori Peterson
