Guest Column: Thank you for being a supportive community

Published 9:20 pm Friday, December 28, 2018

Live United by Ann Austin

Ann Austin


Thank you.

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Such simple words, but they express so much. Thank you.

Thank you to all of you who have engaged with our United Way this year.

Thank you to the people who invest in local programs, who volunteer your time to help others, and who share the stories of lives that have been improved.

This year has been a journey. It hasn’t been our hardest year, but it has been the most enlightening — which can be painful, at times. However, there is no true growth without some level of difficulty.

United Way was founded in Denver in 1887 by a concerned group of community members who wanted to address local issues that were becoming overwhelming. This group consisted of a rabbi, a priest, two ministers and a Denver woman who was a nurse. Rather than operate individually, they chose to gather together—across denominations—to better serve their community.

This story has always inspired me — and the work we’ve focused on in our community. Our mission, “Uniting people and resources to improve lives,” was formed from this understanding. It’s so simple — and so powerful.

Everyone can work together to create a better community, if we choose.

What could we do, if we joined together? If we created no barriers? Our only limitation is our imagination, and our trust of each other.

Thank you to the people who have stopped by, called or approached me in the community to talk about your ideas and concerns. Your perspective is valued and appreciated.

Please don’t stop talking—or engaging with others. The walls we build only hurt the people we are trying to help. We must find a way to trust each other enough to speak openly and honestly about how we can address local issues and work together to create a better world for our children.

Thank you to our volunteers, who are so committed to navigating through this time. United Way has always been in a challenging place — we must navigate through layers of relationships with clients, local programs, government entities, donors and everyone in between. At times we discuss topics which are uncomfortable for people. This is the role we must play, if we are to address the deep issues.

We cannot please everyone — especially when tough decisions need to be made.

However, I can say after a decade of being with our United Way, I am so very proud of the work that has been accomplished, and the level of care and thought that goes into the decisions that are made.

Countless lives have been impacted and improved because of the work of our United Way, in partnership with local programs. We truly are stronger together.

Thank you to all of you, whatever role you have played in making our community a better place.

We are nothing without the support of the larger community. It is because of you that we have strong, vibrant local programs that help address the greatest needs of our children, our workers, our families, our senior citizens and people who are experiencing challenging times.

Thank you.

Ann Austin is the executive director of the United Way of Freeborn County.