Letter: No matter who you vote for, please vote
Published 10:14 pm Tuesday, January 14, 2020
As a volunteer for the Bernie Sanders campaign, I have completed seven door knocks in Iowa and hosted three phone banks calling Minnesota voters from my home. When I knock each door, I encourage voters to commit to caucus for Bernie. On the phones, I encourage voters to vote for Bernie in the primary.
There is something else I do for every door knock and every phone call that is even more important. I encourage voters to actively participate by caucusing in the Iowa caucus and voting in the Minnesota primary. I am not just turning out Bernie supporters, I am trying to turn out everyone. I ensure they know the date, time and location and give a big push of the importance of being involved.
Yes, I really do this with everyone (including those opposing Bernie). Why? Because it’s the right thing to do. I believe higher voter engagement is important for our democracy. As a volunteer for the Sanders campaign, we are reminded to be like Bernie when we engage with voters. There is no better way to be like Bernie than to encourage participation in our democracy.
Bernie plans to increase voter participation in our democracy by implementing automatic voter registration when citizens turn 18, making Election Day a national holiday, restoring the voting rights act, ending voter suppression and abolishing voter ID laws. He also supports allowing convicted felons to vote. (This is already allowed in Minnesota for those who have completed all parts of their sentence; this is not true in all states).
In case you haven’t gotten a call from me, let me take a moment to ensure you have the all the information you need to vote in the Minnesota primary. The primary is March 3. Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. (may open at 10 a.m. in towns with populations less than 500). You can vote by mail or vote at your local election office beginning Jan. 17.
In Freeborn County, our county election office is our government center on South Broadway. In Freeborn County, the following locations do not have a voting location and will receive their ballots in the mail: Bath Township, Carlston Township, Manchester, Geneva, Conger, Hayward, Hollandale, Twin Lakes and Myrtle. If you live in one of these locations, please check your mail.
We are fortunate to live in Minnesota where it’s easy to vote. You don’t need to be registered for a particular party to participate in the Minnesota primary. You just show up to your voting location and request a ballot for the party you prefer. If you have questions or need to register to vote, go to mnvotes.org. Remember, you can register at your voting location when you vote. There really is no excuse not to participate.
I hope you consider voting for Bernie Sanders. I believe he will do what is best for this country. No matter who you plan to vote for, please vote.
Angie Hanson
Albert Lea