
Published 9:00 am Saturday, February 1, 2020

Wells Historical Society

President Carmen Meyer opened the business meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. Present were Gary Kauffmann, Dave Meyer, Mary Bohm, Gene Hassing, Jim Stern, Bonnie Beckmann, Kathy Ayers and Betsy Hermanson.

The secretary’s report was approved on a motion by Meyer, seconded by Stern. The treasurer’s report showed a balance of $22,697.73 and was approved on a motion by Kauffmann, seconded by Hassing.

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Museum report records show 1,137 visitors last year. The museum will celebrate its 10th anniversary this year.

The schedule of workers was reviewed.

The Veterans Memorial report was reviewed. Kaufmann reported the wind sometimes blows one of the flagpoles so it slips down a notch, but it is easy to raise and secure again.

The grant application to the Minnesota Historical Society for the design phase of the lunchroom project was approved. They awarded $10,000 and the Wells Historical Society will need to match about $7,000. The architect is AWH and they do historical preservation.

The 150th anniversary cookbook is close to being finished. There are only about 67 copies left of “To Those Who Came Before” and the postcard project with Dave Paal is pending.

The website project was delayed over the holidays, but remains ongoing.

Membership in the Wells Area Chamber of Commerce was tabled for the present time.

The Flame Theater ad was approved. Cost will be shared with the Area Veterans Memorial.

Meyer has filed the Minnesota sales tax report.

The group discussed Amazon Smile, a program through which people may give a small amount to a charity like Wells Depot Museum each time they purchase something.

The clothing from the 150th celebration will be moved to the museum and the historical society will receive a profit on any items sold.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. The next meeting of the Wells Historical Society will be at 7 p.m. Monday at Wells Depot Museum.


Duplicate Bridge

Duplicate bridge was played Jan. 21. Weather kept numbers down, but three tables competed. Winners were Jim Fisher and Dave Ring, first place; Gail and Ray Schmidt, second place; and Larry Crowe and Bill Momsen, third place.

Duplicate bridge was played Jan. 22 at Austin Senior Center. Again, three tables competed. Winners were Ring and Rick Stroup, first place; Bonnie Fritz and Loren Cleland, second place; and Dave Ruan and Stan Schultz, third place.

Duplicate Bridge is played weekly at 12:30 p.m. Tuesdays and noon Wednesdays at Austin Senior Center. The early start Wednesday is to accommodate players with longer travel distances, allowing them to get home before dark, especially during the winter. Players come from Mason City, Rose Creek and Austin. The Senior Center has food available for those who want to come early. All bridge players are encouraged to compete. Those who need a partner can call 507-437-2750 to guarantee their seat.