Letter: An old man’s thoughts about Ukraine

Published 8:30 pm Tuesday, March 15, 2022

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I’m appalled at the carnage in Ukraine, and impressed with the  courage of the Ukrainian people. I doubt our snowflake generation would stand and fight for America. 

The free world did nothing when Putin began reestablishing the  Soviet Union. In 1999 Putin bombed Chechnya into dust. Georgia was invaded 2008, the Crimea in 2014. Belarus became Putin’s  puppet in 2020. 

I’ve heard retired generals state “Ukraine was once a part of Soviet Union; therefore, Putin has every right to reclaim it,” implying Ukraine should capitulate. Using that analogy England, Spain,  France, Mexico, Russia and even Norway and Denmark (Vikings established the first colonies in America) could lay claim to  America.  

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I keep hearing spineless politicians state, “If we act we risk starting WWIII,” refusing to acknowledge that Russia has already started WWIII. Ukraine is fighting and dying as our proxy. 

Insinuations that we should not become involved because  Ukraine is corrupt, is like the pot calling the kettle black. 

I detest war, do not trust the military industrial complex, the media or our government. Putin and China are gambling that a divided America led by an old senile fool, provides an opportunity to strike. The question is, will it be a hot or cold war?    

America desperately needs a leader like Ukraine’s President Zelenskyy.  

Putin respects nothing, but raw brute strength. It’s time for our  leaders to set their differences aside, put their big boy pants on and take decisive action. The future of the free world is at stake.  

I support the following actions.  

No boots on the ground or pilots in the air “unless” Putin expands the war.  

Kill the “Green New Deal” and “Drill Baby Drill.” Remove restrictive rules and regulations so that we can quickly become a  major exporter of oil. Oil is Russia’s Achilles heel. Low oil prices will starve Putin’s war machine. I’ll live with high cost of energy, short term, if we unleash our full potential.  

Provide Ukraine with needed military equipment, including fighter planes. Place an international embargo on all Russian oil exports. Lock Russia out of all international banking systems. Place an embargo on all Russian exports and imports. Close our  embassy in Moscow. Expel all Russian diplomats. Cancel all Russian student, visitor and work visas. With NATO’s support,  persuade Turkey to blockade the Dardanelles Straits. Place a portion of our Atlantic Fleet in the Baltic Sea. Put our nuclear arsenal and military on high alert.  

Pass a resolution naming Russia a terrorist nation and charge Putin with war crimes.  

Import no oil from Iran or Venezuela. Block Iran’s nuclear ambitions.  

Return the manufacture of all strategic goods made in China to the USA, and provide tax breaks as needed. China has already proven it will cut supply lines. It’s time to acknowledge China as an enemy.  

If European nations don’t support and help finance these actions, it’s time to reassess our commitment to NATO. 

The time for “speaking softly” is past. It’s time for the “big  stick.”  

Don Sorensen 

Albert Lea