Two young children from Waseca wrestle during the tournament Saturday. Photo courtesy Laura Mae Murtaugh
Youth in preschool and kindergarten wait to be assigned a mat Saturday during the Corey Goodnature Memorial Tournament in Albert Lea. Photo courtesy Laura Mae Murtaugh
A young Albert Lea wrestler, left, faces off against an opponent in the tournament. Photo courtesy Laura Mae Murtaugh
It was the first time ever for there to be a girls bracket at the tournament. Photo courtesy Laura Mae Murtaugh
A Lake Mills wrestler competes Saturday against an opponent in the Corey Goodnature Memorial Tournament. Photo couresy Laura Mae Murtaugh
A NRHEG girls wrestler takes on an opponent during the Saturday tournament. Photo couresy Laura Mae Murtaugh
Don and Deb Goodnature, parents of Corey Goodnature, stand for the national anthem Saturday during the tournament in memory of their son, who was killed in 2005 when his helicopter was shot down by enemy fire in Afghanistan. Photo courtesy Laura Mae Murtaugh