Published 9:25 pm Sunday, July 9, 2023
City of Albert Lea
Albert Lea, Minnesota
2023 Snyder Field Fence
City Project Number: 2317
The City of Albert Lea will accept sealed bids for public opening at the office of the City Clerk, City Center, Albert Lea, Minnesota, until 3:00 PM, August 1, 2023, for furnishing all labor, material, and equipment to install the following estimated quantities:
This project involves installing approximately 2555’ of fencing, moving one 10’ double swing gate and adding four 10’ double swing gates.
1. New Field Fence
1485’ of 6’ fence
80’ of 8’ fence
2. New Fencing for Backstops
Four 20’x 20’x 20’ backstops 9ga fabric (20’ tall)
One 20’x 30’x 20’ backstop 9ga fabric (20’ tall)
10’ tall 6ga fabric for all bottom center sections of backstops
3. New Fencing for Dugouts:
280’ of 8’ fence
400’ of 6’ fence
4. Gates
Four New 10’X6’ Double Swinging Gates
Relocate Existing One 10’ Gate (Field 3)
August 1, 2023
Plans, specifications, and proposals are available for electronic download at, Quest Project No. 8581829, for a $22.00 nonrefundable fee. A hardcopy of the plans, specifications, and proposals may be obtained at the office of the City Engineer, City Center, Albert Lea, Minnesota, 56007 for a $35.00 nonrefundable fee. A digital copy may be obtained by emailing Only listed plan holders will be allowed to bid this project
A certified check or bidders bond made payable to the City of Albert Lea in an amount equal to 5% of the total amount bid must accompany each proposal, such amount to be forfeited to the City in the event the bidder fails to enter into a Contract if awarded the bid.
The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive informalities, and to accept any bid deemed to be most favorable to the interests of the City.
Patrick Ian Rigg
City Manager
DATED: July 8, 2023
Albert Lea Tribune:
July 8, 2023