Robin Gudal: Reflections from Father’s Day

Published 8:00 pm Friday, June 21, 2024

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EN(dur)ANCE by Robin Gudal

It was a lovely but humid day. I was coming home after a blessed Sunday and Father’s Day with our church family. It was a no-cook Sunday with a delicious meal and table time with my mother-in love, sister and hubs. Sprinkle in calls and texts from our four adult children and grandchildren — it was a good day!

Robin Gudal

I was driving home and noticed a younger dad with four children in tow, like a momma duck with her ducklings, by the rhythm in which they followed closely. I am not sure if they were on a big adventure towards the pool or the park which was only blocks away.

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Regardless, it gave me a happy feeling. Down the block I then approached two young boys selling lemonade. They had no customers and unfortunately, I wasn’t thirsty. I became a bit distracted, or I would have stopped and given a donation. One boy was a friend of mine’s son. His daddy died when he was a baby.

A fatherless son. I went from a giddy smile to a somber sadness. His momma has done an amazing job of filling both roles, but my mind wandered to the opposite feelings within a mile.

Then my mind wandered back to the day prior on a Christian radio station. During a memorial tribute the station shared the man’s verse, 3 John 1:4, NIV, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth. This is a verse I have hanging in our home and camper and a constant prayer upon my lips.

In church that same Sunday, we sang a song I had not heard,

“God Give Us Christian Homes,” written by Dr. Joe W. Burton, editor of “Home Life” in 1949. According to a Google search, he penned the song from a private conversation he had.

The words are rich!

“O give us homes-built firm upon the Savior,

“Where Christ is head, and counselor and guide. Where ev’ry child is taught his love and favor, and gives his heart to Christ, the crucified.

How sweet to know that, tho’ his footsteps waver, is faithful Lord is walking by his side.

O give us homes with godly fathers, mothers, who always place their hope and trust in him. Who’s tender patience turmoil never bothers, who’s calm and courage trouble cannot dim. A home where each finds joy in serving others, and love still shines, tho’ days be dark and grim.

O give us homes where Christ is Lord and master, the Bible read; the precious hymns still sung, where prayer comes first in peace or in disaster, and praise is natural speech to ev’ry tongue.

Where mountains move before a faith that’s vaster, and Christ sufficient is for old and young.

O Lord, our God, our homes are thine forever!

We trust to thee their problems, toil and care. Their bonds of love no enemy can sever.

If thou art always Lord and master, there: be thou the center of our least endeavor. Be thou our guest, our hearts and homes to share.”

Robin (Beckman) Gudal is intentional in life, a wife, momma, nana, friend, a flawed and imperfect follower of Jesus.