7.2.24 SUMMARY

Published 11:15 am Wednesday, July 24, 2024


July 2nd, 2024

The Board of Commissioners of Freeborn County met in the Freeborn County Boardroom at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024. Members present: Commissioners Forman, Edwin, Kaasa, Shoff and Eckstrom. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Forman offered the following motion; MOVED, approving the agenda with the following changes: The addition of one item under New Business; an update from the Emergency Management Director; The removal of one item under Report of Environmental Services; to consider a resolution amending the Zoning Ordinance (Ch. 42) as a conditional use within the “A” Agriculture Districts in Freeborn; and The addition of one item under Report of the County Administrator; Consider a resolution to invite Dr. Bhagra and any other pertinent Mayo staff to the August 6th or August 20th, 2024 Freeborn County Board of Commissioners regular meeting. Motion seconded by Commissioner Shoff. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the motion approved. Commissioner Kaasa offered the following resolution; RESOLUTION No. 24–182 APPROVAL OF THE FREEBORN COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS CONSENT AGENDA AS PROVIDED IN THE FREEBORN COUNTY BOARD RULE OF PROCEDURE 9(A) 1) Approval of the June 18th, 2024 Board Meeting minutes; 2) Approval of the June 25th, 2024 Emergency Meeting minutes; 3) Approval of Drainage Repairs; 4) Approval of Regular Full-Time Status Employees. Resolution seconded by Commissioner Eckstrom.After discussion a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution adopted. The Commissioners provided Board Committee updates. Emergency Management Director, Rich Hall gave an update regarding Public Assistance following the June 2024 Flooding. There was a Public Hearing held at 8:45 a.m. regarding the proposed amendment to Chapter 18 of the Code of Ordinances. Matt Benda and Jerry Collins owner of Big Dreams Organics spoke to the Board during the public meeting. The Public Hearing concluded at approximately 8:55a.m. Commissioner Eckstrom offered the following resolution; RESOLUTION 24-183 RESOLUTION ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 2024-00, AMENDING CHAPTER 18 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF FREEBORN COUNTY Resolution seconded by Commissioner Kaasa. After discussion a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution adopted. Commissioner Forman offered the following resolution; RESOLUTION 24-184 RESOLUTION APPROVING SUMMARY LANGUAGE FOR PUBLICATION OF FREEBORN COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 2024-00 Resolution seconded by Commissioner Kaasa. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved. The Commissioners voted by ballot regarding the appointment of two Shell Rock River Watershed managers. The three candidates were Mike Hanson, Joe Pacovsky & Gary Pestorious. After the votes were tallied, Ryan Rasmusson, County Administrator read the results. Mike Hanson received 5 votes, Joe Pacovsky received three votes and Gary Pestorious received two votes. Commissioner Shoff offered the following resolution: RESOLUTION 24-185 SHELL ROCK RIVER WATERSHED DISTRICT BOARD OF MANAGER APPOINTMENTS FOR 2024 Resolution was seconded by Commissioner Eckstrom. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved. Chairman Edwin asked if there was any public comment and there was none. Commissioner Kaasa offered the following resolution: RESOLUTION #24-186 A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE EXISTENCE AND SALE OF SURPLUS COUNTY PROPERTY Resolution was seconded by Commissioner Eckstrom. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved. Commissioner Shoff offered the following resolution: RESOLUTION 24-187 SSTS Low Income Cost Share Resolution was seconded by Commissioner Forman. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved. Commissioner Forman offered the following resolution: RESOLUTION 24-188 RESOLUTION APPROVING PURCHASE OF SERVICE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE FREEBORN COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES AND SOUTHERN MN GUARDIANSHIP SERVICES FOR GUARDIANSHIP AND CONSERVATOR SERVICES Resolution was seconded by Commissioner Shoff. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved. Commissioner Kaasa offered the following resolution: RESOLUTION 24-189 ACCEPTING THE RESIGNATION OF ASHLEY HALL Resolution was seconded by Commissioner Forman. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved. Commissioner Kaasa offered the following resolution: RESOLUTION 24-190 PERMISSION TO FILL THE FREEBORN COUNTY VETERAN COURT COORDINATOR POSITION Resolution was seconded by Commissioner Shoff. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved. Commissioner Eckstrom offered the following resolution: RESOLUTION 24-191 ACCEPTING THE RESIGNATION OF APRIL ELLIOTT Resolution was seconded by Commissioner Forman. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved. Commissioner Shoff offered the following resolution: RESOLUTION 24-192 PERMISSION TO FILL THE FREEBORN COUNTY DHS – OFFICE SUPPORT SPECIALIST POSITION Resolution was seconded by Commissioner Kaasa. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved. Commissioner Forman offered the following resolution: RESOLUTION 24-193 AN AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT AUTHORIZED BY RESOLUTION 24-179 (A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT GRANTING STATEWIDE AFFORDABLE HOUSING AID FUNDS) Resolution was seconded by Commissioner Shoff. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved. Commissioner Shoff offered the following resolution: RESOLUTION 24-194 A RESOLUTION INVITING DR. BHAGRA AND ANY PERTINENT MAYO STAFF TO PROVIDE AN UPDATE ON MAYO HEALTH SYSTEM PLANS FOR CARE IN ALBERT LEA Resolution was seconded by Commissioner Forman. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution approved. Commissioner Kaasa offered the following resolution: RESOLUTION No. 24-195 APPROVAL OF CLAIMS RESOLVED, that the following claims be allowed and paid on or before July 5th, 2024. General Fund $520,259.38; County Road & Bridge $ 1,844,060.82; Human Services $185,311.27; Public Health $73,358.38; County Ditch $2,835.06; Trust & Agency $68,313.55; Payroll Clearing Fund $10,064.70; FUND TOTALS $2,704,203.16. Number of Claims not exceeding $300 – 40 Dollar amount of claims not exceeding $300 – $4,667.37; Resolution seconded by Commissioner Eckstrom. After discussion, a vote was taken and the Chair declared the resolution adopted. Chair, Commissioner Edwin adjourned the meeting at 9:42 a.m. until 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, July 16th, 2024. By: Brad Edwin, Chair; Attest: Ryan Rasmusson

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Albert Lea Tribune:
July 24, 2024
7.2.24 SUMMARY