Council: Mayor to appoint person to open 4th Ward seat

Published 8:51 pm Monday, July 22, 2024

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The Albert Lea City Council on Monday voted to fill the open 4th Ward councilor seat through a mayoral appointment at its next meeting.

The opening came after former 4th Ward Councilor Sherri Rasmussen at the second June meeting announced it would be her last meeting because of an opportunity she couldn’t pass up on the West Coast. She was elected to the position in November 2022.

Because of the timing of the announcement, it was not possible for the position to go up for special election.

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City Manager Ian Rigg said he only knows of two inquiries about the position, one of which was a person who couldn’t hold the office but had more general questions about why the position couldn’t be put on for an election. The other person has not been publicly announced, but Rigg said he thought the person would be competent for the position.

Besides a mayoral appointment, the council could have selected to hold interviews with candidates. With both options, the council as a whole would have the final say on the seat.

Sixth Ward Councilor Brian Anderson, who seconded the motion for the mayoral appointment made by 2nd Ward Councilor Larry Baker, said he didn’t want the public to think the council was “fast-tracking” the decision, but noted it was important for the people of the 4th Ward to have representation. He said he didn’t think having a long interview process made sense.

To be eligible for the position, the individual would need to live in the 4th Ward and be at least 21. The term has roughly 2 1/2 years remaining.

Former 4th Ward Councilor Reid Olson, who lost to Rasmussen in 2022, was at the Monday meeting as well as the meeting earlier in the month where the seat was discussed.