Paid political letter: One man’s opinion

Published 8:30 pm Friday, July 19, 2024

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I am not a religious person, but I firmly believe God placed his hand on Donald J. Trump’s shoulder at 6:11 p.m. July 13, causing Trump to turn his head avoiding the assassins bullet that would have killed him.

I believe it is Trump’s preordained destiny to lead America and the world out of chaos.

No president in history has endured the slings and arrows that have been directed at President Trump. From the day he announced his candidacy in 2015, it has been the goal of the Democratic Party and factions of the Republican Party to destroy him. However, he has an internal fire that allows him to rise above the maelstrom and persevere.

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Trump has more stamina than men half his age and the instinct to do what’s best for America and the free world. There is no question that he loves America.

I have watched as hate has engulfed America over the past 15 years and must ask what happened? I firmly believe that the genesis was Oct. 30, 2008, when Barack Obama stated, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”

Obama played the race card at every opportunity, creating dissension and hate between races and groups. The Democratic Party has become consumed by a raging fire of hate, fanned by a paranoid media. I could not believe my eyes as I watched antisemitic protests erupt across America. Antisemitism has no place in my world! Biden’s presidency is nothing but Obama’s third term. Biden must be removed. The Oval Office is no place for a coddled senile old fool.

The media portrays Trump as the devil incarnate labeling him a modern day Hitler, who wishes to destroy democracy. However, never forget it was President Biden and the radical left who placed a bullseye on Trump, likely motivating the attempted assassination and they will encourage and condone more violence.

The Republican convention has been amazing. In the past different factions jockeyed for control. It was like watching someone herding cats. The old guard elites held all the cards. As I watched the convention, I see a new Republican Party emerging. A younger generation has been energized with incredible new leaders who love America. The old elite “go along to get along” RINO’s of yesteryear are gone. The tent has been opened wide and welcomes all believers in a free inclusive democratic society.

I feared Trump would pick a vice president that was part of the old guard. In my opinion J.D. Vance was the perfect pick to help lead the new Republican Party. He’s young, energetic, tough, smart, charismatic and conservative.

Democrats have nothing on the bench but bitter senile old dinosaurs, desperately holding on to power and a few young Obama radicals hell bent on destroying the America they hate.
I will proudly vote for President Trump!

You have a choice, you can vote individuals who love America or those who hate America.

It should be a no-brainer.

Don Sorensen
Albert Lea