Robin Gudal: Using bold actions to help others

Published 8:00 pm Friday, July 26, 2024

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EN(dur)ANCE by Robin Gudal

I had the amazing opportunity recently to pray for a young man. Picture with me, outwardly a less than perfect car, filled with “life’s stuff,” cigarette packs laying on the console and a young man in his early 40s (guessing) appearing disheveled as the driver. As I approached, I met a shy and sweet man.

Robin Gudal

I wear a few hats at my job. We were selling peaches. I had made a whopping mistake and ordered 125 more crates of peaches than we had intended. Ugh!

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I asked the boss (aka my Greggy, my love) if I was going to get fired. He thankfully said no but the problem remained, and we knew this was more than we could sell. I suggested we give out free half crates to veterans. Thus, we did, and it was such a blessing to YFC and the individuals receiving them.

I have no doubt in my mind, if for nothing else, this one young man may have been the blessing within my mistake. As I approached, I said thank you for your service as I reached out my hand to shake his. I asked where he had served and shared we also had a nephew who had served in the same capacity. (Thank you Jesse)

I was still holding his hand when I heard myself asking him, a stranger, if I could pray for him.

Bless him, he responded with yes. I am not sure, if a stranger asked me, if I would be so receptive! I then put my other hand on his shoulder, still leaning into his car, and prayed for him. As I prayed, I felt I was to pray against a spirit of suicide (I felt I was being bold, too) and prayed a blessing upon his life.

When I was done with the short prayer, he looked at me and said suicidal thoughts was what he struggled with daily! My heart broke. I told him to never give up, to push onward, to remember this moment, to know people care and that his life matters!

Will you join me in praying for this young man? I then realized I was still holding his hand, leaning into his car, and had one hand on his shoulder. He looked at me and asked if I would give him a hug? That is a hug I will forever remember!

Robin (Beckman) Gudal is intentional in life, a wife, momma, nana, friend and a flawed and imperfect follower of Jesus.