April Jeppson: The last few weeks of summer are upon us

Published 8:45 pm Friday, August 16, 2024

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Every Little Thing by April Jeppson

On my drive to work this morning, I mentioned to my son that it’s almost time for school to start. He didn’t even turn his head to make eye contact with me. Instead he stared blankly off into the distance and softly whispered “shhhhhhh.” As if not talking about it would somehow hold off its inevitable arrival.

April Jeppson

I get it Hans. I’m in denial, too.

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It’s the middle of August and we still have 80 degree days to enjoy. I promised my youngest that we’d go camping this summer, so I have to figure out when we’re doing that. One of my children needs to go school supply shopping and I’m not sure if we’re still doing the first day of school outfits or not … oh geez, I better start making a list.

As much as I love hot apple cider and the changing leaves of fall, I’m going to hold on tight to whatever bits of summer I have left. I hope to set up the sprinkler, enjoy a snow cone and get out on the lake at least one more time. Which reminds me, I haven’t been fishing at all this year. OK, I’ll add that to the list, too.

Earlier my neighbor and I were talking about how BLT season is upon us. He asked if I had one yet and I told him that I have not, but I look forward to this time of year as those sandwiches are my favorite. There’s just something about the fresh tomato and mayo sauce that drips down your arm as you bite into the lightly toasted bread. Yum! Later he stopped by my work and dropped off some fresh tomatoes from his garden for me to enjoy. (I hope everyone has neighbors as great as mine. Jim, here’s to you!)

The breeze feels a little cooler at night now. Not enough for me to give up my summer hopes, but I can tell that things are transitioning. I’m aware that the clock is ticking, and I need to be intentional with how I spend these next few weeks.

As I’ve been getting my children ready for school, I’ve had the same feeling. I have two high schoolers, and my youngest is finishing her last year in elementary school. This is it. If there are any elementary experiences that I’d like one more crack at, it’s now or never. I’m also acutely aware that everything with her will be my last.

That reminds me, I’m going to need to add Kleenex to my list as well.

Albert Lean April Jeppson is a wife, mom, coach and encourager of dreams. Her column appears every Saturday.