Paid political letter: How can someone vote for him?

Published 8:30 pm Friday, August 9, 2024

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Can someone explain to me how, in any world, a convicted felon, convicted sexual predator, twice impeached narcissist could even be considered to run the most powerful country in the world? Throw in the trying to destroy our democracy “Boogeyman” disaster that ended the worst four-year clown show in D.C. history. Police and hundreds of others were injured and have died because of his Jan 6 insurrection. Over four hours he watched the “wonderful people” desecrate our nation’s Capital and did nothing.

The compulsive liar has cheated his way through his entire “golden spoon in his mouth” life.

Not to mention how many bankruptcies, business failures, current and past lawsuits.

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How did his now defunct university diploma work out for any of the suckers foolish enough to enroll? He is more concerned about revenge than he is policy for the people.

How about the bleach injections, the wall Mexico was going to pay for. The “most beautiful” healthcare plan? The election was stolen. All lies.

What has happened to the party of law and family values?

Our country can survive policy that you may not agree with; it cannot, however, survive a president willing to torch the constitution.

Plain and simple, the three times married, porn star cheating con man … is a crook!

Once again I ask for someone to please explain how a person can overlook all of this and a whole lot more and even consider voting for him?

Al Helgerson
Albert Lea