‘We’re starting out a great school year’ — Albert Lea schools start up new year

Published 2:57 pm Wednesday, August 21, 2024

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By Ayanna Eckblad

Months of planning and anticipation came to fruition Wednesday as the Albert Lea school district had their first day of school. It was the beginning of classes for everyone, from kindergartners to seniors in high school.

Even for those without school age children, it was obvious to recognize the special occasion as almost every street had a parent snapping photos of their child in front of their house before being driven to school or picked up by the school bus.

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“It’s a great day,” said Halverson Elementary School’s Principal Kim Larson. “We’re starting out a great school year.”

At Halverson Elementary School, the space outside the playground was crowded with young students, their parents and teachers gathered for an informal sendoff to begin the day. Students who arrived early were able to greet fellow classmates and play until it was time to line up.

Then, it was a sea of colorful backpacks as children made their way to their respective lines.

Teacher Anna Wescott is teaching fifth grade at Halverson this year. She said her favorite part of beginning a new school year is building relationships with her new class.

Wescott hopes the 2024-25 school brings “a great year of learning and growth.”

Brady Neel is also a teacher at Halverson Elementary. This year, he is teaching third grade. He said his favorite part of the first day of school is experiencing the excitement of students. He enjoys seeing older students he used to have in class as well as younger students who he may have in class in the future.

“I am most looking forward to seeing how much my students grow,” Neel said. “Third grade is a big year for students, and I love to compare where students are at and where they get to at the end of the year. It makes you feel fantastic and I love to see my students’ reactions when they realize where they were and where they are at the last few days of the year.”