Paid political letter: Columnist’s statements should be taken with a grain of salt

Published 8:30 pm Friday, September 13, 2024

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A policy I try to follow when writing is never attack an individual personally. This is America and everyone is “still” entitled to their opinion!

However, in the case of Jennifer Vogt-Erickson, I am going to make an exception. I am tired of Jennifer’s pit bull personal attacks, smears, innuendos and half truths.

Her disjointed comments of Sept. 4, concerning the article Robert Hoffman posted, written by James Comer, chairman of the Houses Committee on Oversight and Accountability, was uncalled for. I researched Rep. Comer and fully support the actions he has taken. If Rep. Comer were a Democrat, he would receive accolades for his efforts.

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Kamala and Walz have too many connections to China and Communist Marxist philosophies to be trusted. Walz made 30 trips to China, sponsored by the Chinese Communist Party and has been active in organizations in this country sponsored by the Chinese Communist Party.

Kamala was born into and grew up in a Marxist/Communist family and community and never disavowed her Communist roots. In my opinion, Kamala and Walz are the two most dangerous individuals ever to run for America’s highest offices. America deserves to know their history and goals. Hiding behind media smoke screens is unacceptable.

Jennifer despises Trump because, in her opinion, he is a womanizer and unfit for office. Jennifer needs a course in history: Presidents John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson and Bill Clinton were far worse womanizers than Trump. Trump may have been a “Play Boy,” but check and you will find that he has placed more women in influential positions on his staff, in government and in his businesses than any candidate in history. Trump treats and respects women as equals.

Jennifer used the term “cucked” and states that is a term favored by Republicans. I know the term, and its derogatory meaning. However, I have never heard or read it used by any conservative.

Jennifer condemns Trump’s visit to Arlington National Cemetery to honor servicemen lost in the Abby Gate fiasco during the humiliating withdrawal from Afghanistan. Trump attended at the invitation of the Gold Star families who lost loved ones. From what I have read, the Army dragged its feet before granting permission to host the event because Kamala objected. To read a full account, Google Bryan York, Kamala Harris, Donald Trump and Arlington National Cemetery. I watched the ceremony in its entirety and found it moving and respectful. Trump conducted himself to the highest standards. I listened as one of the Gold Star fathers state that President Biden and Kamala were invited but did not respond.

From my personal observation over the last 15 years, Presidents Obama and Biden have shown nothing but disdain for our military and those who faithfully serve.

Trump stands for a strong, well-funded military and respects those who serve. Yes, he clashes with generals trying to establish woke and DEI policies in the military, but that’s good.

Everything Jennifer publishes needs to be taken with a grain of salt.

Don Sorensen
Albert Lea