Paid political letter: Inflation “IOI”

Published 8:30 pm Friday, September 20, 2024

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The level of inflation we are witnessing is the unintended consequence of the Democrat’s war on fossil fuel and their determination to implement the (flawed) Green New Deal. Democrats rarely consider the long-term consequences of their actions.

High energy prices have an inflationary impact on every facet of daily life. Pain at the pump was felt immediately. Food prices quickly followed. Once the inflationary ball gets rolling it is very difficult to stop and creeps into every facet of daily life. Currently inflation is costing the average family of four an additional $1,100 a month.

Interest rates to finance homes, autos, businesses and farms have nearly doubled in the Fed’s attempt to slow the inflationary bubble caused by the Biden/Harris war on fossil fuels.

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Cost of housing, rent and ownership have gone up dramatically. Electricity for your home and business is up 20% and will go higher as federal mandates closing power plants are enforced.

Have your auto and home insurance rates gone up? Mine has dramatically! The cost of repairing your car up 50%. Cost of clothing is up, quality down. Medication up!

We must realize that when the government says inflation is under control, what it really means is that inflation has slowed — inflationary highs become the new norm.

The problem is wages take years to catch up. The result is a growing number of Americans are living pay check to pay check, forced to take second jobs, maxing out credit cards or having to chose between food, medication or fuel for their car.

The poor and elderly living on fixed incomes are hit the hardest. The result is more citizens applying for assistance. But, perhaps that is the Democrats’ intended consequence, more American’s dependent on government handouts.

The renewable energy that Democrats are betting on accounts for only about 8% of our total usage. However, there are proposals by Democrats mandating that within ten years 100% of America’s energy must come from renewable sources. Folks, it can’t be done! America simply does not have the resources to accomplish that goal. To make matters worse, without massive government subsides (your tax dollars), the cost of renewables is untenable.

Most Democrats are proposing mandating a total transition to electric powered vehicles over the next 10 years. California has already taken that step. However, majority of American’s have rejected EVs. While EVs have their place, American’s should have a choice via the free market.

Should Kamala and the Democrats be elected they will impose the “Green New Deal” upon America and the level of inflation will become astronomical.

I trust President Trump to, as a businessman, take a hard look at renewables, determine if the benefits outweigh the costs, then make a decision based on common sense. Trump understands that oil built America, and that oil will keep inflation in check and rebuild America. Royalties from oil on federal lands could be used to pay down the deficit.

Oil could become America’s greatest export!

Think about it.

Don Sorensen
Albert Lea