Judges are reason to vote on abortion

Published 10:04 am Tuesday, October 21, 2008

An Oct. 10 editorial in the Albert Lea Tribune begs a response. While I agree with them that the IRS law in question is wrong, I wish to disagree with an erroneous quote they made which states: “At first read, we asked ourselves why waste votes on the issue of abortion? Nothing much changes on the issue. Eight years ago, President Bush, a pro-life candidate was elected. Guess what?  Abortion is still legal. Whether Obama or John McCain is elected, in four years it will still be legal.”

So does it matter who we elect as president or members of Congress when it comes to abortion? Yes, it does. How does it matter? In a word, judges. A president has the power to nominate who will sit on the benches of our federal courts all the way up to the Supreme Court. The next president likely will nominate up to three justices to the Supreme Court, which would sway the balance in favor of protecting the unborn. Sen. John McCain has promised to nominate strict constitutionalist justices who tend to rule on the side of life. Sen. Barack Obama has promised the exact opposite. 

By executive order, a president also has the power to support or deny funding around the world to non-governmental organizations who promote or perform abortions. This is called the Mexico City policy, and it has saved countless lives of unborn childern. McCain supports it, Obama does not.

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This next quote by the Trib was really a gem, “We even wondered that if abortion was banned, what would Marin and his ilk do? Would they start favoring more funding for state and federal programs that help impoverished children such as Head Start? Most Christians want to help the poor.” 

Pastor George Marin and his “ilk” have done more to help the poor by rolling up their sleeves than you could shake a stick at. You can be both for life and for the poor. They go hand in hand and most practicing Christians know that.  

Lastly, please ask our state Rep. Robin Brown why, when she had 16 opportunities to stand up for the unborn, that she instead chose to vote anti-life every time! Frankly, I really had hope that Robin would be different than the leaders of her party, but sadly, she was not. Please join me in supporting Erik Larsen for our next state representative. He won’t just say he’s pro-life, he will vote that way.  

Scott Bute
