Editorial: Obama is a clear pick for president
Published 8:32 am Thursday, October 16, 2008
Illinois Sen. Barack Obama deserves your vote for president of the United States.
His vision for a better country includes nation building — the United States of America. His opponent, Arizona Sen. John McCain, has a motto of “Country First,” but his policies seem to be more like country club first.
Obama wants to implement domestic policies that make a difference in the lives of ordinary people, such as improving the inefficient health care system, taking proper care of veterans, ending the war in Iraq and bolstering the federal student loan program.
His plan for taxes makes the wealthy Americans shoulder their fair burden for government and lessens the burden on everyday folks. The past 30 years have pushed more and more tax burden onto the middle class, while oil companies, drug companies and other special interests line their pockets. It’s time for that to stop. It’s time for a president who comes from lower- or middle-class people, a president who relates to average Americans.
McCain says he is different than President Bush. To be sure, he is. Either McCain or Obama would be better than Bush. No matter who wins, America is better off.
Even so, McCain represents corporate interests. He still calls for tax cuts for the rich and thinks it will solve the economic crisis. Even wealthy investor Warren Buffet favors Obama’s economic plan.
Further, electing Obama also sends a message to the rest of the world that Americans want to heal the international rift caused by the go-it-alone Bush administration.
Look at leadership, too. Obama mulls choices before making them. In Delaware Sen. Joe Biden, Obama picked a vice president. McCain made a rushed and amateurish choice in Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. He picked a running mate, not a vice president.
McCain once seemed his own man but allowing the Karl Rove gang into his campaign only has made him look like part of the same Republican machine that is to blame for the problems of the past eight years. What happened to straight talk?
Obama leads a campaign staff that works well as a team and has come a long way in two years. He is a natural leader.
It seems some of the great presidents have reached across party lines and even appointed members of the other party in their cabinets. Two are Ronald Reagan and Franklin Roosevelt. Obama seems willing to do the same. This Democrat is not as partisan as past candidates in the national stage. He is the right choice for America.