Brown supports taxes that hurt Minnesota

Published 9:00 am Tuesday, September 30, 2008

During the last legislative session of the Minnesota Legislature, there was a proposal to index a person’s property tax to their income. This would mean that not only the tax on your income could go up as your income increased, so would your property tax.

In an article in the Albert Lea Tribune, our legislator from District 27A Robin Brown, indicated support for this proposal. It is difficult for me to understand the relationship between income tax and property tax. What are some of the effects that could occur if this were enacted?

A. High-income individuals would elect to live in other states.

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B. Business owners would elect to live elsewhere because these are the people with higher incomes. This would discourage business growth and development in Minnesota.

C. Anyone looking to expand their business or build a bigger home would look to other states where there is a more friendly place to do business.

Robin Brown’s continual desire to raise taxes is creating problems for economic expansion. Is this why Minnesota is currently having a higher unemployment rate? Is this why Minnesota is having budget deficits because businesses move to more tax-friendly environments?

A vote for Eric Larson will prevent proposals like this from happening.

Alan Arends

Albert Lea