Conger 4-H

Published 8:53 am Friday, July 8, 2011

The Conger 4-H Club met for its annual tour on Sunday, June 12. The club toured four different farms to learn more about the fair projects that those members are working on. Following the tour, the group met at the Conger Park for a potluck supper and the meeting.

Count Fair pre-entries were due June 27. Herdsmanship contracts and stalling forms also need to be completed. The group planned to have a float in the Morin Lake Days parade in Alden on June 18. Members in seventh grade and older need to sign up to work in the Clover Stand at the Fair.

All members sixth grade and older should complete the form to be a Junior Superintendent at the Fair. The club is scheduled to help with tear down of the 4-H Exhibit Building on Sunday night of the fair from 6 to 8 p.m. Everyone is encouraged to help with this. Interviews for livestock exhibitors were July 27 at the Fairlane Building. Demonstration Day, Favorite Food Review, and Clothing Evaluation will be on July 20. Meat and Miscellaneous Fund Raiser tickets were handed out to all members to sell.

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After the meeting, families traded in their old light bulbs for compact fluorescent bulbs.

The next meeting will be Sunday, July 10, at Frank Hall Park across from the Albert Lea Aquatic Center. The group will meet at 6 p.m. and go swimming after.