It is time to bring county budget in line

Published 8:37 am Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Property taxes have soared over the past few years. For 2009, our county is looking at a deficit that is now estimated at over $2 million. Candidates running for office have failed to address our budget deficits and escalating property taxes. I chose to run for 3rd District county commissioner so that these issues would come to the forefront in this election.

We need fiscal discipline, we need spending controls, and we need to stop resorting to costly property tax increases to fix our budgetary problems. In our recent debate, candidates talked about how Freeborn County gets passed over by businesses looking to relocate, chief among the reasons being taxes. We cannot successfully develop our county economically if we continue to encounter runaway spending and property tax increases. It is interesting that these same elected officials who complained about losing potential businesses because of taxes are the very ones in charge of setting tax-and-spend policies.

I am ready to help fix the county deficit and the budget problems we are facing. I run two hotels in Albert Lea. I have a four-year degree in accounting, and a Master’s degree concentrated in finance. It’s time to get spending under control; it’s time to finally use common sense in putting our county budget together. It is time we as a county came together to provide the resources necessary so we can grow our local economy.

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I ask the voters of the 3rd District for your support, your vote, on Sept. 9. Together we can create a stronger Freeborn County, a county that is properly budgeted, with taxes under control, so our area can grow and prosper.

David Shoff

county commissioner candidate

District 3

Albert Lea