Family Reunion: Jorgen Hansen

Published 8:56 am Thursday, August 21, 2008

The 45th Jorgen Hansen reunion was held July 20 at the Glenville Senior Center. Host families were descendants of Alfred (Fritz) Hansen and Marie (Hansen) Mudra. They were Clifford Hansen, Steve and Bobbie Hansen, Kenneth and Marjorie Mudra, Tony and Denice Mudra, Jennifer, Louise and John Mudra, Laura and Ryang Kim, Ann and Gary Korbel, and Helen and Kendra.

A potluck dinner was served to 71 family members and one guest. The afternoon was spent reminiscing, playing games and picture taking. A business meeting was held and happenings since 2007 were read. There were two births: Beau Chaffee to Laura Chaffee, and Esther Lynn Anderson, daughter of Kelly and Brent Anderson; one wedding: Joe Weber to Leah Oberg; three graduations: Louise Mudra from Waldorf College, Forest City, Iowa, Shaun Lenway from Austin Riverland College and Carmen Hotson with a four year business degree from St. Mary’s. Kendra Korbel made her first communion in April. The 40th wedding anniversary of Gloria and Arleigh Austinson was celebrated on April 5.

Attendees came from Albert Lea, Austin, Lyle, Brownsdale, Rochester, Eagon, Prior Lake, London and Medford. Clifford Hansen came the farthest from Oregon.

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The oldest member present was Evelyn Ferber and the youngest the daughter of Kelly and Brent Anderson.

The July 2009 reunion will be held by members of Emma Hansen Nelson, Edgar Hansen and Nobel Hansen. The 2009 reunion will be held the third Sunday in July.