Eighth-graders do egg drop

Published 9:37 am Tuesday, July 1, 2008

8th grade students have completed the egg drop for the 2008 school year. Students created a contraption made out of a milk carton. Each student used materials inside and/or outside of the box to prevent an egg from breaking when dropped about 15 feet. This year less than a quarter of the eggs broke.

Graduates honored as Scholastic All-Stars

On May 13, Albert Lea High School seniors Merissa Kittleson and Ross Pirsig represented Albert Lea High school and were honored at the KIMT-TV Scholastic All-Stars luncheon held in Mason City, Iowa. Both were to be featured on a PSA spot on KIMT acknowledging not only their high academic standards, but all their strong and varied extracurricular involvement in and out of school.

Email newsletter signup

Senior Awards Night held

On May14, Albert Lea High School celebrated Senior Awards Night for the Class of 2008. Valedictorians Logan Ferrie, Josh Klapperick, Tyler Petersen, William Sturtz and Jacob Winkels were recognized along with others in the Top 10 percent. The rest of the evening was spent awarding 96 students scholarships totaling almost $101,000 from organizations, companies and families from the Albert Lea and Freeborn County area.

Children’s librarian promotes summer reading program

Patty Greibrok from the Albert Lea Public Library came to each elementary building in May to talk about the summer reading program that takes place at the Albert Lea Public Library. She presents to grade levels from kindergarten through third grade and leaves informational material for the fourth through sixth grades.

Middle school students hold mock trial

The first-ever Southwest Middle School Mock Trial took place May 22 at the Freeborn County Courthouse in front of 19 spectators. These eighth-grade students participated: Kayln Stensrud, Michelle Hartmann, Amanda Tripp, Morgan Field, Matt Burh, Addison Petersen, Stuart Behling, Rachel Jensen, Macy Paul, Tyler Le, Samantha Klapperick, and Samantha Stanley. Middle School teacher Neil Chalmers organized this activity and presided as judge. The mock trial students would like to thank current ALHS Mock Trial team member Katie Walker and former ALHS team members Kari Opdahl, Eric Schwab, Brittany Mueser, Josh Klapperick, and Brandi Hagen for their assistance in preparing for the trial. A special thanks to Freeborn County and the court administration for the use of the courthouse.