American Baptist Women
Published 11:01 am Thursday, June 12, 2008
The May 7 meeting of the American Baptist Women was held at Thorne Crest with nine women attending. President Shuldes opened the meeting with a poem titled “Spring” by Shirley Powell.
Guest speaker, Virginia Hermanson, presented the program “Foods from the Bible.” She provided samples of various foods for our lunch. It was a very interesting presentation.
The treasurer’s report was approved as read. The secretary’s report was in the church newsletter.
The Area V meeting that was held in Owatonna was discussed. One of the items discussed was the White Cross Quota. It should have been the same as last year hut their was an error in the information sent to the Area V White Cross Chairperson.
As a result of the error a much larger amount was sent to the White Cross, which was a joy.
Announcements are as follows:
June is One Great Hour of Sharing Month
July 11-13: Women’s Gathering in Waverly, Iowa, “Women Strong & Courageous”
It was decided that ABW would pay half of the registration which is $105 for any woman that wants to go to the gathering.
A motion was made by Rose to pay for one camp registration, Bonnie seconded the motion and it was passed.
The next two meetings will be June 4 and Sept. 3 with Bonnie and Dorothy in charge of the meetings. Wanda is stepping down as president.
Carol decided to give up her position as funeral coordinator. The Deacon Board will discuss this position.
Wanda closed with a devotion from the “Secret Place,” and a prayer.