California court ruling moves America forward

Published 10:32 am Friday, May 30, 2008

It is not appropriate that, in the United States of America, we willfully discriminate against any minority, including gays. The recent California decision to allow loving couples to marry, regardless of their gender, moves America forward in living out its ideals of freedom.

Churches can still disapprove of such unions if they wish, which is also appropriate given our separation of church and state, but a church’s willingness to deny equal rights to some groups on the basis of sexual preference should not spill over into government discrimination.

The radical love of Jesus welcomed those ostracized from community and religion, such as in the illustrations of Zacchaeus, the woman caught in adultery, and the Samaritan woman at the well. This California decision aligns our government with the principles of Jesus without forcing religion on anyone. Well done.

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